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Day 4 we took a short drive away from our hotel to Rangely Park. At the staging area, Mel had the group play a little winch game just to get everyone loosened up for the day.

On their way to victory! After messing around a bit, we were broken up into groups of 3, given a map and told to have fun. WOO!!!!

Our group consisted of Andrew Gorman and Harris Wells from Adart, Pete Williamsen and Ali Mansour from JKS. Oh yeah, Oliver Crane and Malo Castro from Northridge derr…

We headed straight for a trail named Godzilla. Greeted with a nice drop-in obstacle, we were very happy with the trail we picked!

Check out all that flex!

Andrew Gorman in his 2012 JK8 ripped up the trails… with a little spotting from his co-driver Harris Wells of course. 🙂

Never content with normal lines, Oliver found something a little more challenging.

Poor trasharoo.

Peter and his 2 door were feeling a little saucy and tried the “big boy” line.

After putzing around, we met up with the rest of the group so we could all tackle MEGASAURUS together. JKX Veteran Randy Byers took the lead and showed everyone how it’s done.

Invited guest CJ Maurer followed Randy. There were a bunch of winch anchors on this massive obstacle. We all used every one of them.

Speaking of winch anchor points, have you ever seen a human one? Neither have we. Leave up to Mel and his group!

Making light work of this trail, RESQ1 takes a quick break for a beautiful photo op.

Sometimes things didn’t go as planned. It’s a good thing Mel and team were there to literally catch this JK from rolling over. Day 4 was the best wheeling day of the trip so far. Tired and a little bit beaten, the group headed back to the hotel to assess any damages and to get some rest. Since everyday has been better than the previous, we knew we would need to be fully charged for the morning.