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anthony has reviewed 5 Product(s).

    JK Big Booster and Cylinder
    Anthony 5 months ago
    Finally back in stock. This is the kit everyone says to get when getting bigger calipers. Install wasnt bad if you are handy. Make sure to bench bleed and watch install videos! This helped me a lot to make sure it all went together, and lined up right. The pedal feels shorter which is nice. I think im experiencing some other issues causing a slightly mushy feel still, but its not because of the kit.
    Mopar J8 Master Cylinder and Brake Booster

    Hydro Bumpstops on Jeep jk Front
    Anthony 5 months ago
    Installed these on the front of my Jk. Very easy install, just watch some videos on youtube. Requires cutting the bumpstop tube. The quality seems pretty decent. No complaints with that so far. DO NOT tighten the top cap too tight. It will split the threads on the valve. I have a 4.5 in lift with 40s. after adjustments so that tire doesnt eat the fender, these are very very close to already sitting on the axle bumpstop pads. Make sure to measure yours and make sure they will work with you lift/modifications. Great entry price for bumpstops though.
    DV8 Offroad 2.0 Hydraulic Bump Stops w/2.5in Stroke, Pair

    Replacement boot
    Anthony 5 months ago
    Installed on my Yeti Steersmart XD Draglink on a jk. Old one ripped so needed this replacement. It came very dirty and needed to be clean. Kind of disappointing since its priced high imo. Will need the tool to install or get creative with some washers and tools to press it on.
    Steer Smarts Yeti XD Replacement Boot Seal

    Ball Joint rebuild
    Anthony 5 months ago
    Got this kit to rebuild my Dynatrac HD balljoints on my prorock 44. Included all the pieces for upper and lower on both sides. My first order came with some wrong nuts and damaged pieces. Contacted Northridge and they worked with dynatrac to get me a new set asap. No complaints as it was solved and works great. Install will take a bit and definitely watch an install video so you can have the right tools.
    Dynatrac Heavy Duty Ball Joint Rebuild Kit

    Replacement Joint for Tierod
    Anthony 5 months ago
    I needed to replace one of my joint in my teraflex tie rod. This is the kit that is for replacing the joints in the Teraflex HD tie rod, jk! It was shipped fast and the right part. Installation require pressing the old one out. I tried using a ball joint rempval tool that i rented from the auto store. It didnt work for me as there was no good mounting spot. Took it to a shop and they pressed it out and put the new one in. Should be good for a long time!
    Teraflex HD Steering Ball Joint (Tie Rod or Drag Link)


